Thursday, July 30, 2009


Heh, all you competitive types out there, it's time for a contest and a quiz. (Gets me in practice for Halloween.) Following is a quiz to do a comprehension check on your Hindu Deity knowledge, which, if you read all the way to the end of my blogs, you will be able to answer quite handily. Let me know how many you can answer; don't send me the answers, please! You can refer to past blogs to jog your memory!
Part TWO: CONTEST: I've been providing the stories thus far, but, now it's your turn. Here's the prompt:

If you could be one Hindu God or Goddess for a day, who would it be, why would you choose that goddess or god, and what would you do? Be sure to consider (research, perhaps?) what special powers the god holds, as well as their particular job in the cosmos,and answer all 3 parts of the prompt. Post your contest answer in the comments below in the next week and I'll award a winner (real prize, you know me!) when I return to the states. Good luck, and let your creative juices flow!
Now for the quiz:

1. Who’s usually seen with 3 heads, although he really has 4, and used to have 5?
2. Who’s usually sporting a cobra as part of his attire?
3. Who are the 3 gods in the Trimurti?

4. Who are their consorts?
5. Which god is considered the creator?
6. Which is the destoyer?
7. Whose nickname could have been TIGER MOM?
8. Which god is prayed to for clearing all obstacles, and good beginnings?
9. Which goddess is associated with prosperity, and consequently many businesses bear her name in the title?
10. Which god has few temples dedicated to him as a result of his bluffing?
11. Who sports a necklace of human skulls and is usually seen with blood dripping from her tongue, although she’s really nice once you get to know her?
12. Who is the goddess of education?
13. Whose vehicle is a tiger?
14. Whose vehicle is a mouse?
15. Which god has 10 incarnations or avatars? (BONUS: Which are the 3 most auspicious?)
16. Which god has this month dedicated to him, and his followers can (sometimes) be seen dressed in orange with horizontal lines drawn on their forehead?
17. The followers of this god sometimes sport a footprint drawn on their forehead.
18. Who is the goddess at the top of this blog (see clip art) and what does her iconography tell about her attributes?

1 comment:

  1. I am assuming that this is your "check for understanding" to see who is reading and who is not(lol). All I know is I want as many hands and arms as any of the gods considering the class sizes we'll have soon. What a fabulous trip. I am inviting you to dinner one night in September so I can pump you with my myriad of questions. I am so happy you were able to make this journey.
